
Bernardo Carrula
Born: 8 December 1959 in Maputo.

His first entry into the arts was in 1974 in the field of music.

He began drawing in 1983 and started painting in 1990. Since 1991 he is participating in group exhibitions in Mozambique and abroad.

He created the scenery of the ballet of the Companhia Nacional de Canto e Dança in Teatro Avenida.

Since March 1995 he is the secretary of the Núcleo de Arte board. He is co-initiator of Arte Feliz.

Collective exhibitions:
-Jovens talentos in Casa da Cultura from Alto Maé
-Bienal TDM
-Anual no Museu Nacional de Arte
-South Africa
- EXPO 98 in Lisbon, Portugal

-In South Africa
-In Portugal
-Artistas Unidos contra o Sida in Beira, 1997
-Águas subterrâneas, 1998
-Nacional na cidade da Beira, 1999
-Contra as Minas da Handicap, 1999

Award: Bienal TDM, 1999
