
Ídasse Ekson Malendza
Born: 1st July 1955 in Infulene (province of Maputo)

Practices drawing, painting and ceramics. At the secondary school he was taught drawing by artists Manuela Sena, João Paulo and Antonio Bronze who shared with him the love for the arts.

In 1979 he completed a course in animation at the Centro de Estudos Culturais with the teachers Malangatana Ngwenya and Domingos Manhica.

He frequented the gallery of Inacio Matsinha where he was taught the basics of the arts. Guided by Antonio Quadros he completed the course Comunicação Grafica.

He worked with the Instituto Nacional de Cinema where he established the department of arts.

Ídasse also designs covers of books and of literary magazines.

Since 1982 he is working as a full-time artist.

1977Collective in FACIM, Maputo
1980Collective in Salisbury (Harare), Zimbabwe and in Havana, Cuba
1981Collective in Maputo, Berlin, Bulgaria and Moscow
1982Collective in Maputo, Beira and Luanda, Angola
1986Individual in Maputo
1988Collective in Maputo and in Paris
 Solo in Marie de Malakoff -Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture- France
1989Collective in Maputo
 Solo in Maxixe, Mozambique
1991Collective in Maputo and Lisbon, Portugal with Malangatana, and subsequently in the Portuguese cities Coimbra, Evora and Oporto
 Exhibitions with Naguib in Maputo and in Zimbabwe
1994Collective in Maputo, Portugal, France and Belgium
1996Participation in Container 96 in Copenhagen, Denmark, and in group presentations in Maputo
1997Collective in Maputo, Durban (South Africa) and Lisbon, Portugal
1998Individual in Maputo

19911º Prémio de desenho, Anual do MNA
19912º Prémio de desenho, Bienal das TDM
19971º Prémio de desenho, Anual MUSART-TDM 97
