
Donderdag 07 Februari 2019

Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Film
Documentary screening on a mining conflict in KwaZulu-Natal: This land
Donderdag 07 Februari 2019 15:30 - 17:00

This land​The Land & Accountability Research Centre (LARC) at the University of Cape Town commissioned the vivid documentary film This Land as a way for rural people to bring the untold story of their struggle for rights and accountability on communal land into urban forums of legislative, political and corporate decision-making. This film is a critical contribution to the accelerating national debate about rights relating to land use and ownership in deep rural areas seldom visited by thought leaders, policymakers and legislators. The 48-minute film reflects national challenges in visits to three areas of KwaZulu-Natal. The main narrative follows the people of Makhasaneni in pristine hills near Melmoth in their battle against an Indian company’s secretive collusion with politically connected elites to develop a vast opencast iron-ore mine on the land they have farmed for generations. To illustrate what is at stake, the film follows a delegation from Makhasaneni on a visit to a working mine at Somkhele, using drone footage and personal testimony to show the reality that faces them. The documentary screening will be followed by a Q&A. Please register


van ma04.02
t/m wo20.02
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Movies that Matter on Tour - Welcome to Sodom

Waar gaat je weggegooide telefoon of computer naartoe als je een nieuwe hebt gekocht? Waarschijnlijk komt hij terecht in Agbogbloshie in Ghana. Deze gigantische stortplaats is een van de meest giftige plekken ter wereld. Hier ligt rond de 250.000 ton elektronisch afval uit westerse landen. Op deze gevaarlijke plek werken en leven meer dan 6000 mannen, vrouwen en kinderen. Christian Krönes. Oostenrijk, 2018 . Documentaire, 90 min. Engels ondertiteld.
