
Agenda 29 Januari - 04 Februari 2017

Maandag 30 Januari

Nederland, Wageningen - Auditorium Wageningen - Lezing en debat
PhD: Browse species from Ethiopia: role in methane reduction and nematode control in goats
Maandag 30 Januari 2017 13:30 - 15:00

Title: Browse species from Ethiopia: role in methane reduction and nematode control in goats. PhD candidate: ms. GF (Genet) Mengistu. Promotor: WH (Wouter) Hendriks. Co-promotor: dr. WF (Wilbert) Pellikaan. Organisation: Wageningen University & Research, Animal Nutrition


Donderdag 02 Februari

Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Lezing en debat
ASC Seminar: The Anglo-American Powers, the UN and the question of Katanga 1960-1963
Donderdag 02 Februari 2017 15:30 - 17:00

Seminar: Challenging Imperial Internationalism: The Anglo-American Powers, the UN and the question of Katanga 1960-1963. This seminar will discuss how the imperial internationalism of Britain and the United States was affected by the role of the United Nations during the Congo crisis from 1960-1964. Speaker:
Alanna O'Malley, Institute for History, Leiden University. Her first book ‘The Diplomacy of Decolonisation, America, Britain and the United Nations during the Congo crisis 1960-1964’ is forthcoming in 2017 with Manchester University Press. Discussant(s): Klaas van Walraven, African Studies Centre Leiden. Please register


Vrijdag 03 Februari

Nederland, Wageningen - Auditorium Wageningen - Lezing en debat
PhD: Understanding the productivity of cassava in West Africa
Vrijdag 03 Februari 2017 16:00 - 17:30

Title: Understanding the productivity of cassava in West Africa. PhD candidate: KS (Guillaume) Ezui. Promotor: prof.dr. KE (Ken) Giller. Co-promotors: AC (Linus) Franke, dr. A Mando. Organisation: Wageningen University & Research, Plant Production Systems
