Aangeslagen geven wij kennis van het overlijden van Azim Koning, vrijwilliger van de Africaserver. Sinds 6 april 2006 heeft Azim de agenda op de Africaserver verzorgd. Enkele uren per week was hij een vaste factor in onze studio, een gewaardeerde collega en onvermoeibaar verteller. Daarnaast was Azim lang voorzitter van Afrovibes, partner van de Africaserver.
Op maandag 25 december is Azim in Amsterdam overleden. Wij gaan Azim missen.


Donderdag 22 Februari 2018

van do01.02
t/m do31.05
Nederland, - Nederland - Muziek
Van Mali Tot Mississippi

Musical globetrotter and top guitarist tells the story of the blues in a musical ‘one-man show’. As a teenager, guitarist Joep Pelt went to the south of the US to learn the blues. He met old heroes, who taught him the typical Delta blues style. Pelt hopelessly fell in love with the blues and decided to dig deeper. In his musical one-man show ‘From Mali to Mississippi’ Joep tells the story of the West African roots of the blues, traveling along the Caribbean slave routes to her birth in the south of the US, only to see her change the history of music forever. With his stories, photos, historical images and of course many songs that he collected along the way, Joep takes you on a special musical adventure.

joeppelt tourdates